Chapter Leader Profile: Tomasita Pazos Aurich, CFE

Chapter Leader Profile: Tomasita Pazos Aurich, CFE

Peruvian native Tomasita Pazos Aurich’s dedication to the anti-fraud profession has led her to work through adversity to attain her goal of creating the ACFE’s most recently formed chapter in South America. As president of the Lima Chapter, Pazos Aurich hopes to unite her peers in the fight against fraud. Pazos Aurich is also an operations security manager at Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) in Lima.

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Sell-Out Crowd at Colorado Conference

Sell-Out Crowd at Colorado Conference

The Colorado Chapter presented its 2014 Annual COCFE Fall Fraud Training Conference, October 16-17 at the Arvada Center outside Denver. Chapter President Gary Schwartz, CFE, and Vice-President Ken King, CFE, worked hard to bring a diverse slate of speakers to the sell-out crowd of more than 210 attendees that included visitors from Kansas, Wyoming and New Mexico.

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Scholarship Fundraising Challenge Deadline is Almost Here!

Scholarship Fundraising Challenge Deadline is Almost Here!

The December 15 deadline to submit your chapter's donation for the Scholarship Fundraising Challenge is rapidly approaching. Several chapters have already sent in donations that qualify them for prize packages including Greater Chicago, Pacific Northwest, Las Vegas and Kentucky (Bronze level), and Houston Area (Platinum level).

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