Group Pricing for the 33rd Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference

The ACFE is happy to announce the return of our in-person ACFE Global Fraud Conference! The 33rd Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference will be held on June 19-24, 2022 in Nashville, TN, and through our virtual environment. As we have done in previous years, team registration discounts will again be available to chapter leaders and members. Chapter groups of three or more can take advantage of the discount.

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Tell the ACFE About Your Upcoming Events

The ACFE would like to know when you are having your upcoming events. By knowing when your chapter is holding an event and who the speaker is, the ACFE can better plan which in-person we hold in each city, which speaker we select, and ultimately help our events, as well as your events, be as successful as possible.

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2021 Chapter Leaders Meeting Recap

Every year during the ACFE Global Fraud Conference, we hold a live Chapter Leaders meeting for leaders who are attending the conference. As in 2020, because this year’s Global Fraud Conference was virtual, we decided to hold our leaders meeting virtually as well. With the meeting being virtual, we invited all chapter leaders around the world to attend, regardless of whether the chapter leader was registered for the conference.

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Chapter of the Year Award-Winning Submissions

Whether you are considering submitting your own Chapter of the Year nomination or looking for strategies to help your chapter, reviewing the award-winning chapter’s submissions can be very helpful. Our three most recent award-winning chapters have graciously agreed to share their nomination forms.

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Donn LeVie Available to Speak for Your Chapter and More

In the past I’ve mentioned Donn LeVie as a highly rated speaker you could utilize for your chapter, and now, he has expanded his services. You have an opportunity to have a featured career coaches present a professional development session for your chapter, or offer strategic mentoring programs on an individual basis.

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