Guest Blog: Spokane Chapter Celebrates 10th Anniversary with a Bang – Lessons Learned From an Unexpected Disaster

Guest Blog: Spokane Chapter Celebrates 10th Anniversary with a Bang – Lessons Learned From an Unexpected Disaster

When a powerful storm moved through the Spokane, WA area in November, the chapter's plans for three days of training were threatened. The Spokane Chapter team moved swiftly to ensure that their commitment to provide local training for CFEs was fulfilled despite the unexpected circumstances.

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Chapter Leader Profile: Robert Kilian, CFE

Chapter Leader Profile: Robert Kilian, CFE

Robert Kilian, CFE, is co-founder and president of the German Chapter. Kilian’s long career in the security and fraud fighting area started as a police officer with the Federal Border Guard, then the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). Kilian has also worked for several international companies as security and risk manager including the European Central Bank and the Swedish furniture company IKEA.

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