Chapter Profile - Northeast Ohio Chapter #13

Over the past few years, I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing the submissions for the Chapter of the Year Award. There have been so many deserving chapters and while there can be only one winner, I’d like to spotlight a chapter each month and give chapters a platform to share their accomplishments, lessons learned and any wisdom the leaders have gained along the way.

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Consider a Professional Development Topic for Your Next Event

Consider a Professional Development Topic for Your Next Event

One of the challenges our chapters face is making sure they continue to offer new events for their members while also trying not get stuck recycling the same topics. However, making sure your chapter events are topical can often be difficult, especially when planned months in advance. One topic often overlooked yet always beneficial to attendees is professional development courses.

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Austin Chapter Holds Fundraising Concert During 30th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference

Austin Chapter Holds Fundraising Concert During 30th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference

Over the past five years at our Global Fraud Conference, the host city’s chapter has organized an event to help raise money for ACFE’s Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship fund. The first year, the Maryland Chapter hosted a cruise around the Baltimore harbor. The Las Vegas Chapter twice held a poker tournament and in 2017, the Middle Tennessee Chapter put on a concert headlined by Charlie Daniels.

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