Chapter Leader Profile: Dave Karakashian, CFE

Chapter Leader Profile: Dave Karakashian, CFE

Dave Karakashian has served on the board of the Washington DC Metro Area Chapter for more than six years in several capacities and is now the current president. A native of the D.C. area, Karakashian is also a senior manager at WithumSmith+Brown, CPAs when not busy on the baseball field or on the ice playing hockey.

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Guest Blog: Taking a Risk on a New Venue

Guest Blog: Taking a Risk on a New Venue

In early 2013, the Austin Area Chapter was using its fourth restaurant in eight years, a local fried seafood restaurant, for our lunch and full-day fraud education events. Over the years we had steadily grown from a monthly lunch attendance of about 20 members up to about 50 members per event, and occasionally we were hitting spikes of attendance of up to 70 or 80 members at a time.

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Chapter Leader Profile: Tania Fabiani, CFE

Chapter Leader Profile: Tania Fabiani, CFE

Born in Argentina, Tania Fabiani, CFE found her way to the United Arab Emirates after growing up in Brazil and then studying and working in the U.S. Fabiani has been president of the UAE Chapter for the past four years. Under her leadership, this week the chapter hosted their first-ever multi-day conference in Dubai that attracted more than 250 attendees from all parts of the Middle East and North Africa.

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